So a change of plans today. Firstly I'd like to congratulate the following for qualifying for this Octobers Invitational last weekend;
Steve McAleer
Joe Alexander
John Kay
Chris Parks
Michael Shillitoe
Alistair Kennedy
Andrew Munro
They join the 17 others already qualified. There will be more qualifiers between now and October but more on those after Gatecrash comes out. Today the block is brought to you by one of those already qualified, the master of Legacy Owen Debenham. Here is Owen's take on what to expect if you want to win the SCG Legacy Invitational this Sunday.
If you're going to the Star City Games
Legacy Invitational Qualifier on the 13th then you'll need
a Legacy deck. When you're making a deck you need to figure out what
you want your deck to beat, because as much as you want to beat
everything, in a format as wide as Legacy you won't be able to. Once
you've worked out what you need to beat you have to find out how to
do it. I'm going to look at some of the more common effects in Legacy
and how best to combat them.
Here is a list of the cards you are going to have to take into consideration if you want to win and not just hand over your hard earned money to Meta Games for no apparent reason other than them getting richer.
Things to beat:
Stifle/Wasteland/Rishadan Port/Sinkhole
Spell Pierce/Daze/Flusterstorm
Hymn/Thoughtseize/Cabal Therapy/Inquisition/Duress
Deathrite Shaman/Rest in Peace
Swords/Abrupt Decay/Liliana/Innocent Blood/Karakas
Engineered Plague/Perish/Dread of Night
Bob/Sylvan Library/Jace
Tendrils/Show and Tell/Glimpse of Nature
Dredge/Belcher/Lava Spike
Aether Vial/Cavern/Abrupt Decay
Mana Denial
Legacy players are often greedy with
how many lands they play. Other players take advantage of this by
playing cards like Wasteland, Rishadan Port and Stifle. Not being
able to play your spells is one of the least fun ways to lose so you
should probably try to avoid it There are two important things to
remember when building your deck to beat these effects; one is not to
play too many expensive spells - often the same decks will be playing
Daze/Spell Pierce to abuse the fact that they constrain you on mana.
The other is to just play more lands. Often people will play a few
basics and think they've solved the problem, but the best response to
people disrupting your mana is to simply play more sources.
Hand Disruption
Legacy players
love playing cards that let them tear your hand apart. Turn 1
Thoughtseize, turn 2 Hymn to Tourach is a common play. Generally the
way to beat discard is to either just draw more cards; them
one-for-oneing you over and over is much less impressive when you've
had a Dark Confidant or a Sylvan Library in play the whole time. It's
also important that if your deck relies on a few important cards,
like most combo decks, that you play as many ways as possible of
finding additional copies after one has been discarded. You'll
usually see combo decks running the full 4 Brainstorm, 4 Ponder, 4
Preordain for exactly this purpose. Another thing worth noting is
that Stoneforge Mystic is particularly vulnerable to discard the turn
after you cast it - if you're planning on playing Stoneblade it might
be worth running a second Batterskull as back up.
Graveyard Hate
Graveyard hate has
always been present in Legacy - no one wants to lose to Dredge after
all - but Return to Ravnica contained Deathrite Shaman, now one of
the most common maindeck cards. Whilst Deathrite Shaman isn't going
to remove your entire graveyard it can make it difficult to resolve
your reanimation spell, and it will mean that when you draw a Knight
of the Reliquary later in the game it won't automatically be a 10/10
any more. Another card in Return to Ravnica is Rest in Peace. This
card doesn't see much main deck play but is a common sideboard card
in white decks, and when resolved completely shuts off any graveyard
based interaction. With Leyline of the Void, Relic of Progenitus,
Grafdigger's Cage and Tormod's Crypt all being played it's rare to
find any deck without some amount of graveyard hate in the 75, yet
with Deathrite Shaman being so popular the full graveyard 'sweepers'
have somewhat fallen out of favour.
Removal is played
in every format; if people are playing men other people will be
wanting to kill them but in Legacy you have access to the best
removal ever printed. Abrupt Decay is probably the most common piece
of spot removal at the moment, but Swords to Plowshares, Liliana and
Karakas can also deal with some of the harder to kill creatures. If
you play Standard you'll know about how powerful a miracled Terminus
can be but in Legacy that card works entirely differently. The decks
playing Terminus in Legacy are also playing Sensei's Divining Top and
Brainstorm, allowing them to miracle Terminus pretty much at will. If
you're playing creatures you need to be prepared to rebuild after
they all die at instant speed for a single white mana. Depending on
the kind of creatures you're playing you might see Engineered Plague,
Perish or Dread of Night out of sideboards.
Unfair Things
Simian Spirit
Guide, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Goblin Charbelcher, Lion's Eye
Diamond, kill you. There are a lot of decks trying to do unfair
things in legacy, sometimes as early as turn one. You could be facing
Show and Tell for Griselbrand or Emrakul, Ad Nauseum into rituals and
Tendrils of Agony, Glimpse of Nature followed by absurd numbers of
Elves amongst other things. There are too many combo decks to have
specific hate for all of them but there are cards which are good
against a lot of them. Many combo decks rely on resolving a single
key spell which makes cheap counterspells like Spell Pierce good.
They'll often have their own counterspells, or discard to take yours,
so it can be better to be proactive with discard or 'hate bears' like
Thalia, Gaddock Teeg or Ethersworn Canonist. Almost all combo decks
will have ways of recovering from your hate so it's important that
either you're able to completely lock them out with something like
Counterbalance or Trinisphere, or you close the game out in a
reasonable amount of time.
If you have the
cards or can borrow them you should really consider going to
Doncaster this Sunday to play Legacy. It's easily the most diverse
and interesting format with far too many powerful interactions for me
to talk about here. No other format will have people going into the
tournament aiming to win one turn one with others planning on winning
on turn twenty (if their opponents don't concede from boredom before
Thanks Owen that was, as expected a great insight into the meta of Legacy. I will be back on Monday with a lot of information about changes in FNM Relax following the release of Gatecrash. Until then play a lot of cards and good luck to all those going to Doncaster this weekend I hope it is worth the £30 for you.